Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Dangerous Way of Thinking, Is Religion Contributing?

Recently, a friend of mine shared an article via Facebook that I just couldn't keep my mouth shut, about. It's called "That Day I Wore Yoga Pants: 5 Myths about Modesty" and to me, this article is nothing about Yoga pants. 

Without turning this blog-post into some sort of religious debate, I just want to speak about my opinion of this dangerous, "submissive-attitude".

Please read the article before continuing, or else, none of this will make sense to you. 

First off, I am admittedly a form of feminist.

When I say this, I mean that I will always try my hardest to be the best I can, and if that means being better than a boy, so be it. I simply look at it in the way that, if I try my hardest at succeeding in whatever it is I do, than the man I marry will be equally as ambitious or even more so than myself, and who wouldn't want that? I stand for equality, respect, and intelligent competition, and if that makes me a feminist, then I guess I am. 

Also, (on a side-note) I wear Yoga Pants all day, everyday. They are comfortable, and I work at a Yoga Studio, so this article already sucks. 


I understand that this article was posted with the intention of spreading some sort of "Christian" (and mind you, this is not specific to just Christianity, but instead seems to appear in most religions in some form) way of thinking, but to me this article could be the reason why, on the opposite end of the spectrum, so many women are being objectified today. 

The author of this article is allowing herself to become even more of a sex object and she doesn't even realize it. There is no power in deciding not to "tempt" men, the real power is not involving men in your decision at all. This kind of an attitude, the one where, we consider our moves based on men at all, is the reason men objectify women in the first place, Instead of saying " I don't want to tempt him" or "I do want to tempt him", just say "I want to wear these pants for ME". 

This kind of attitude could and is harmful to the way men view women. When we allow what men think or say guide out thoughts or actions, we are objectifying ourselves. We are letting ourselves be controlled and we are contributing to a hazardous mentality. 

Many women in abusive relationships have just that, a "submissive-attitude". 

Where does this kind of mentality stop?

Surely, one can see the correlation between "I shouldn't wear that, as I don't want to tempt him" and "I should't have broken that glass, and I deserve (said punishment)"

Eliminate Objectification.

I'v said this in previous posts. The only way anyone gets respect is by demanding it. 
Be a well-rounded woman of intelligence, passion, humor, and motivation and you will attract a man of equal stature. Be a woman who submits as to not "tempt" a man, and you will attract a man too weak to deal with "temptation" on his own. 

I respect modesty, but make sure you're doing it for yourself, not for anyone else. 

Food for thought,

Han B. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Is he playing "hard-to-get", or are you just playing "hard-to-avoid"?

I'm mean. 

I give out fake numbers, fake names, and I even sometimes fake that I have no interest in the entire sex of the pursuing party. 


Sometimes, because I can and sometimes, because I can. 

Makes a lot of sense right?

Here's the thing, this is not specific to just me and it's for sure not specific to just my gender.

Why am I talking about this?

Sometimes, as the pursuing party we forget that we don't always get what we want,  and not only that, but we need to stop calling.

Girls make up excuses for why he's not answering, or calling back. 

"He must have his phone off"
"Maybe he went out of town"
"Maybe he's playing hard-to-get"
"Maybe he died"


I mean, sure, there could be the case of drunken boy dropping his phone in the toilet...and now, he's phone-less, but, let's get real ladies, he's not answering because he doesn't care and/or he's not interested. 

Boys are pretty simple creatures. 

Boy wants Cheetos, boy eats Cheetos.
Boy wants to play x-box all day, boy plays x-box all day.
Boy wants to shit with the door open, boy shits with the door open. 


Boys do what they WANT to. 

If he's not answering, it's probably because he doesn't WANT to. 
If he didn't invite you over, it's probably because he doesn't WANT you there. 

NOW, don't be all heart broken because some kid decided not to return your interest, think about all the times some weirdo approached you with his heart in a box at a club and you were all "bahahahhahahahaa" in his face and dancing away, spilling your drink on everyone as you did so.
You're mean too

Not only are you mean, but you can also be a real bitch when you want to.

Just because you put on your nicest dress and do your hair, doesn't mean he has to look your way. 

It's a hard truth to face, but eventually you'll get the hang of it. 

SO here's what you need to stop doing: 
1) calling him
If he likes you, he will call you
2) Facebook stalking him
Just stop, it's pathetic, and no he's not dating all of the pretty girls in his profile picture
3)giving a shit
You're pretty, and there's definitely some weirdo at the club who wants to make you his wife, so stop bitching about how you don't understand why he doesn't like you. Think about how you feel about club-weirdo, yup, that's how he feels about you. 

Here's what you need to start doing:
1) dressing up for yourself
2) dancing for fun
3) getting over it

I'm not saying I'm pro at boys, but I am saying, not giving shit, sure beats being pitty-party-patty.
Take a guess as to why weirdo boy plays X-box in his boxers and eats Cheetos all day. It's because so many girls like you turned him down and he learned how to not give a shit. 

Maybe we need to follow their example? Seems like a prime coping method. 
I like Cheetos. 

-Han B

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Culture of not Condoning (sex)

Dear Parents of the world, 

A while ago I stumbled across an article called "Dear Daughter: I Hope You Have Some Fucking Awesome Sex" ...I had thoughts on it immediately after reading it, but didn't write about it. I am currently taking a Human Sexuality class in school, and I really enjoy it, but today's lecture reminded me of this article and now I have to write about the "Non-condoning culture" I believe in.

In my other blogs I talk about having an open sexuality and engaging in whatever kind of devious practices you chose to enjoy on your own time, so as a reader, you can assume my intention is not to outright "shame" people for having active sex-lives. Instead, I wanted to talk about the beauty in keeping the traditional act of discouraging and not condoning teens and children to have sex at young ages.

My professor compared the rate of teen-pregnancies, abortions, and STDs in the United States today to the rates in those of European countries. The United States was noticeably higher than the rates of the European countries compared in the graph. He then went on to say that the reason he believes this is the case, is because of Europe's open-sexual-education policy.  The concept is that, with an open-mind and open-dialog policy about sex, teens are less likely to contract STDs and more likely to engage in safe sex, due to the education provided. This, I cannot disagree with. It would seem that this would be a plausible-direct-effect of sexual education.

Of coarse, playing devil's advocate, I had to ask the question, "How do these rates compare to countries where premarital sex is shamed by way of disownment, violence, and even death?" I know, it's not really a statistic we could ever obtain due to the societal-shame-factor involved, meaning even if the statistics where significantly lower, we would never know because nobody would ever be able to speak-up about premarital sex experiences in fear of being "shamed" (whatever that term may mean in said culture).

I am certainly not, condoning, in any way, shaming, by way of violence (verbal or physical), disownment, or death... but instead bringing back the traditional idea that sex, is something that parents should not be condoning, in anyway, with teens and children.

For me, personally, the "sex-talk" was an on-going conversation through-out my teen-years with my parents. They always had answers to my question, and I knew I could ask them anything I needed/wanted to about sex, anatomy, and other related topics, thats not to say I always did, or that I wasn't ever too embarrassed to ask (know your boundaries people and thank God for Google). This kind of open-relationship allowed me to feel confident that my parents trusted and respected my siblings and I, and had our backs in whatever situation we found ourselves in. This kind of honesty leads to a healthy relationship and parent-offspring bonding every family should strive for.

While my parents had an open-dialog policy about sex, they DID NOT in any way, ever condone premarital sex.  My parents never pushed, but rather educated us on their personal views of religion. My intention is not to make this a religious debate, but to show the reader that religious or not, this standard can be upheld in any household. They didn't condone premarital sex out of pure concern for the health of us (their children), not because of religious views.

Here's where my opinion varies from "Dear Daughter Daddy"

Obviously, I am biased to my own upbringing when I say this, but I believe in the "non-condoning culture" when it comes to sex. Sex should not be "shamed" nor should parents teach their children to feel shame or guilt when engaging in sexual acts, but more or less, not be indifferent to such acts.

Here's why:

On a very basic note, creating and teaching a level of respect and acknowledgment of intimacy for the act of sex, can only do humanity good. I'm not asking parents to lie to their kids and tell them that sex will kill them, but to entertain the idea of creating a sense of fulfillment that can only come from having respectable and honest sexual relations. By honest, I mean honest with themselves. Helping your children create an awareness of the beauty in intimacy.

I want to give my children the opportunity to respect my thoughts as a parent, or at the very least to break rules as teens (a feeling we all know well and look back upon fondly), both of which I feel are important experiences.

Bottom line, teach your children to respect themselves and hope that when the time comes they have a healthy and safe sex-life. Be honest and open, but teach the values of waiting and honoring one's body. I promise your kids will learn to love you for it.

Thanks Mom and Dad,

Han B. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

That insecure girlfriend that no one likes.

Whats been on my mind?

I'm a girl who hangs out with guys. For multiple reasons.

1) They don't talk as much. Ladies, don't get me wrong I love having girl time to, but I am a woman who can appreciate silence, and those moments are galore when you're gaming with a buncha fellas and few when you're gossiping and painting nails with the ladies.
2) I am a born tom-boy. I get a long well with guys and that's the way it is.
3) WE ARE FRIENDS, just as much of friends as you and your best friend Cindy seem to be.

Here's where my passionate blog begins.


I love ya girl. I feel for ya, I really do.  I'v been cheated on. I'v had my heart broken.


I will never be the girl who says things like "you can't hang out with her" or  the girl who drops "subtle" hints like"oh, you're hanging out with her? I have to go now. Bye"

If you are dating someone and he likes to hang out with his friend, who so happens to be a girl...get with the program.

It all boils down to one thing. TRUST

If you don't have trust, you don't have a worth-while relationship at all.

What are the key ingredients to a great relationship?
2) Loyalty
3) Compassion
4) Good sex (joke, but not really)

If you don't trust him, don't be with him. You'll drive yourself crazy thinking about what he could be doing or who he could be doing. What a waste of time (which is limited). Find someone you can say things like " Hope you have fun, babe"  and "say hi veronica for me" to. What's more attractive in a woman than confidence?

Be confident in your man. Be confident in your relationship. But most importantly, be confident in yourself, because if everything else fails, that's what you have left. That and ice cream.

Sometimes, we make bad calls, and we trust people who fail us. And then we have a hard time trusting ourselves in result of that.

If he cheats, here's what we learned (even if it hurts really badly):

1) He wasn't the right guy for you!
2) He didn't care enough about the relationship!
3) He is so into himself, that he's willing to let a treasure, like you, get away for some girl who doesn't know a damn thing about respecting relationships, and ya know what? that just makes them perfect for each other, and they can spend the rest of their short-lived relationship (or night) cheating on each other's shitty asses. and then you can laugh about and then feel bad for them. *breath

Did you notice that all the things we learned, were about him?

That's because none of the things that happened were about you. So don't sit there thinking "what's wrong with me?" and "why wasn't I enough?" ... IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU and EVERYTHING TO WITH WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM!

The one thing you might be able to learn about yourself from this experience?

That you are whole by yourself! He didn't complete you, and therefor, he isn't taking anything from you when he walks his sorry ass out the door.

This is what you need to know, You will find a man who cares about you and respects you enough to stay loyal and faithful to you, and he won't be the piece that completes you (since you are whole by yourself) but more like an upgrade to your already awesome-self. Somebody who enhances all the true beauty you already have. A complimentary color.

I was that annoying girlfriend once. Never again.

So make a pact with yourself.

Only date boys you trust and don't be that jealous, insecure, bitchy girlfriend that no-one likes.

Food for thought,

Han B.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Open Letter to One-Night-Stand Mackenzie

This is a letter I wrote after reading an entertaining yet, slightly disturbing article by a girl I don't know. 

Here's where you can read the original article.

Dear Mackenzie,

    I too have thought about what people might think after I post this blog, and believe me, I'm sure this might insult some people. Alas, my intentions are neither to insult or degrade anyone, rather to openly and respectfully give my thoughts on some things you expressed in your letter. I acknowledge that you can't be much different than me in regards to your strong-feminist ideals that you openly speak of on the internet. With that being said, I perceive some of the topic differently than you seem to, and would love to share my thoughts on it!

Lets begin here:

While it is seemingly true that "The so-called “whores” got (get) all the attention from guys", can we also consider the boys who are looking for women who have the reputation of a "whore"? And by "get" do you mean, "get to sleep with"?  I have no problems with women going out and having a few drinks and enjoying the company of a sweet or not so sweet guy, but are you really expecting much more? I mean honestly? Do you really think you are going to meet the man of your dreams while he is quite obviously boozing and scrounging around for a one-night-stand? 

Hey, if you wanna go out and end up exploring someone else's body until sunrise, that is absolutely OK! You are allowed to do whatever you want with your body! It's a beautiful thing! Nobody should label you as anything for that, especially a guy who went out seeking the same thing that night. 

Here's where my opinion may vary from yours; in your letter you seem to be almost bitter at the fact that a boy doesn't want to take you home to meet his parents after spending the night with you, or for that matter doesn't even want to make eye-contact with you. While you are completely entitled to your liberal views on sexuality, you must also understand and accept the idea that boys (and I don't mean men) might frown upon this kind of behavior (and yes, I completely acknowledge how contradictory boys with this attitude are).


In my opinion, I could never fault a guy for not choosing to respect a girl who (in their eyes) does not appear to respect themselves. Now, please don't confuse that statement with me saying that a woman who is sexually devious does not respect herself. I am stating that this may indeed, be the way that a boy might view her, for whatever reason he believes to be true. 

I think that being able to express your sexuality in whatever way you chose to, is a really valuable liberty, but I also see why that may deter a boy (or girl) from choosing to pursue anything more with said one-night-stander. 

I don't think choosing to express oneself sexually, makes anyone, any less of a person. I don't the number of sexual encounters a person has, devalues them as a human being. 

I just want to point out, that we are as entitled to our sexual liberties as a contradicting boy may be to his opinion of a girl after a one-night-stand. 

While, I enjoyed your letter, I couldn't help but notice that the message wasn't necessarily directed  towards a point I would have liked to support. 

My main point: If you give a boy the idea that you are ok with being his sex object for the night (or vice-versa) you can also expect to be treated like a sex object for the remainder of your "relationship" with that individual. First impressions are (unfortunately) everything, in a world where boys prey on women who let them. 

Demand respect, and you will get nothing less. 

As a woman you are the gatekeeper, if you want to let a drunk guy wander in while you're on watch, that's up to you, but you can also expect him to wander out with a hangover in the morning. 

Food for thought,

Han B. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Taking back your innocence.

What I wouldn't give to have my innocence back. Losing your innocence happens in many ways: it could happen when you lose someone you love, when you lose yourself to someone you love, or when two people you love, lose their love for each other. AKA: divorce, death, infidelity, basically, I define losing your innocence as the moment you realize that the world is not seamless, that you are not invincible, that you can be damaged, that your brain does not easily forget, and that you can no longer view things with un-tainted beliefs.
Sometimes our innocence is stolen from us; sometimes we give it away without knowing what comes next. 
Maybe it’s as simple as losing your faith? It’s the downfall of the perfect and beautiful reality you have during childhood (unless you lost it previous to that by some ill-fated occurrences). Maybe it’s as simple as losing the ability to bounce back from a bad experience?

I’m not sure what I would consider to be the exact definition, but it’s along those lines, I think.

People in their adulthood (and sooner) will seek to re-discover their faith (innocence) by joining a religion, by choosing to believe in something that can never let them down. By joining in on a written guide to their personal and eternal happiness, something that tells them: everything will be all right if they follow the rules. This is fine for some people. This is something I wish I could more easily be a part of. I wish I could turn my cheek to all of my tainted thoughts and get lost in my childhood imagination again where everything turned out ok.

The fact of the matter is that I can’t at this point, just like most people can’t. Of course I continue to try and find that faith again, but I guess my point is that, I hope you help the people around you keep their childlike faith, because when they lose it, they will spend the rest of their lives trying to find it again. Keep yourself pure so that you can experience the most pure form of life, love, and happiness.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Songs on the show Mistresses- Episode 5

I saw this question being asked tons online… well, I found the answers!

Here's a list of the songs for this episode!

1. Playing for Keeps- Elle King
2. Lay Your Cards Out- Polica
3. Into the Wild- Gossip
4. We Should Be Sleeping- Eddie Money

ENJOY and please read the rest of my blogs!

Han B.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


The Trip

This summer began with a 2,270 mile trip across the country…

As you can imagine it was a long haul. Highlights?

Making Ramen over a fire, sleeping in a so-called "two-person tent" with two people (the trick is they are only made for one small-sized human), stopping in Vegas for two nights, and finally arriving in Los Angles!

Bits of Knowledge

Now that we're here, I have several bits of knowledge to share: 1) In LA, people honk for fun (maybe there is some sort of club that I am un-aware of), 2) If you go to a Gay bar- the straight men WILL find you and also introduce themselves by saying they are straight, HA, 3) There are way to many (bad) comedians, and 4) the talent is split into two different categories, those who are talented and those who think they are talented. I hope I'm in the first one, but I guess so does everyone. HA.

Daily Life

My day looks like this: I wake up, go swimming, or running, or sitting. Take my good ol' time making breakfast, research gigs for a while, then go work on music with other musicians or go perform at an open mic night. I have had luck booking three shows so far. Which, to my knowledge,  is a good thing. HA.


Personal Growth

I learned to approach and talk to people. It was hard. I made friends.

Dating Life

I straight armed two men to avoid herpes.

I also helped a half-naked-drunk man stand up after taking a tumble on the bus, if that counts.

Germ-a-phobe Note-worthy Moments

Trying to help drunk man stand up . It looked something like this:
Man takes a tumble, pants down (no undies, mind you) shirt over head (I don't know how he managed that) after getting on the bus. I get up to help him up, but nobody else does. There are about three grown men watching little ol' me try to pick this man up, when its about as challenging as getting a wobbly toddler to stand on a boat in a storm. It was a struggle.

The note-worthy part was that I was on the bus in the first place, BAHAHAHAHAH. Conquering germ-a-phobia one step at a time.

Music Life

Played my first show at the House of Blues on Sunset Blvd!

Favorite Shot

This concludes my update of Hannah life.

Please check back for more interesting stories later,

Han B.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The beautiful-red-equal sign.

Tonight, I had coffee with good friends a little too close to my bed-time, which is apparently anywhere within six hours of having the cup of coffee. Needless to say, I'm wide awake at this hour.

Things I'd like to talk about:


I'm involved with the church-crowd. I love every minute of it. The people are great.

Last week I posted the beautiful- red- equal sign as my profile picture, why? Because I agree 100% with what it stands for. I was approached by some fellow church-goers about why I had chosen to post the image as my profile pic, even though I believe in God and according to "their" interpretation of the bible, it is against God's will for a marriage to be between same-sex couples.

Heated in the moment at what (in my opinion) appeared to be plain ignorance, I told them I 100% agreed with what it stood for, but failed to give them good reason why...with words anyway...

This had occurred before a volleyball game with friends, in which we proceeded to begin warm-ups. Still slightly heated, and in my childish  (non-verbal ways of communicating, which I am well-known for) I began making my point with the volleyball.

Our team peppered back and fourth. When I received the ball, I would gently pass it to one of my other teammates, but every time I passed it to a specific person (who had asked me the question about my profile pic) I would spike it at them extra hard. After, several rounds of this pattern, I asked the person, if they too liked being treated in a different way than everyone else.

Although I personally find this explanation of my beliefs to be funny, I'm not sure everyone can understand my point so clearly.

So, with that being said:

The red-equal sign has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with your religious beliefs as a person. We live in America, where we pride ourselves on being a FREE & EQUAL COUNTRY. How can we deny anybody the rights that are so clearly given to everyone else in the country? Would you really like to put yourself between someone and their happiness because of your own beliefs? Have some empathy people. How would you like somebody telling you, who you could and could not marry? Sounds pretty ridiculous right?

                                        Yesterday's racists look like fools to us, today.

                                 Imagine what these people will look like to future generations….


Han B.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break for Han

Hey all,

Last week was spring break for all the CMUers, and I went to Lakeland, Florida. I have lots to say about this trip, but in short, this video I made, might give you better taste of the positive and high-energy trip it actually was: take a minute to watch, then continue….

Enjoy? Good. I did too. I have never been in the presence of a more caring, comforting, loving group of people in my life. 

Things I learned: I can afford to give a few hugs in good company. 

Truth is, these picture will tell you more than I could ever describe in words. 

High Light Pictures:

God Bless,

Han B.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Beat those Blues

Here's what I do when I need me time:
  1. Turn up the music, loud, whatever makes me smile.
  2. Put on my apron.
  3. Open that bottle o' wine.
  4. and cook the shoosh out of a real good meal for myself (with the company of my cats of course).

Sautee it

Drink whilst doing it
Recipe of the day:

Side Notes: Threw my mom a 50th bash, here's some of the nights captures!

This blog has no theme, because in reality I like to talk about lots of things. Some things you might read in this blog include (but are not limited to): Boys, food, music, and traveling.

This summer I will be in California, and you can bet there are gonna be some interesting blogs, a lot more interesting than the ones you'll read while I am in Mount Pee Pee. I plan to travel, play music, and eat a lot, so if you are interested in any of those things: I might have a couple things to share, over the summer!

Can't wait to be there!

Thanks for reading,

Han B.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Helpin Hand!

Hey all!

Just have a couple things to say today…I'm done sassin' about boys for a tad bit of time to ask for your help!

You know what's more awesome than hatin' on the male gender?


Growing up in Frankfort, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and know the Stapleton Family. Mr. Stapleton has been the principal at Frankfort High School for several years now and he sure does a hell of a job at it. His beautiful wife Kelli, does so many things, you can't describe her in less than a paragraph. To say the least, they are both people who you can count on, who would help ANYONE, who would put everybody else before themselves, and even when things are hard for them, always put on a smile.

As we all know, everybody is faced with trials. Mrs. Stapleton does a great job explaining her families difficulties with raising an autistic daughter in her personal blog, which you can read about here: .

In short, 

The Stapleton's have been blessed with thier autistic daughter Issy, who struggles with severe aggression and needs to be in a treatment facility for 8 months. Unfortuntaley, the costs for this facility run $765.00 a day. They have tried everything they can think of to find funding, but haven't had any luck. Mrs. Stapleton has been hospitilzed several times due to Issy's aggression.  
Think about your day today… what did ya spend your money on? Maybe you bought some pretzels at the gas station, or maybe you bought a new pair of shoes to add to your closet-collection? Well, here's something you could fund that will be way more fulfilling than either of those things. What better way to spend your money than to contribute to keeping a loving family together? I couldn't think of a more deserving family.

Here's the link for the fundraising campaign :

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day!

Han B.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day is still like it was in Kindergarten.


It's here again ladies…and to be honest I haven't been single for it, in about five years. No better way to start than with breakfast Bloody Marys and roommate bonding.

Valentine's day for single people seems to be pretty similar when you're old and when you're young.

Women still play dress-up, except  this time instead of pretending to be princesses,we are just pretending to be comfortable while our heels give us blisters, our tights sag in the crotch, our push-up bras hold our boobs way too high, and our lacy undies have disappeared completely. We still have tea-partys, except this time our cups are filled with shots of "forget I'm single" and "He looks better now" instead of the never-ending supply of air we used to pour so generously to one another. Finally, we are definitely still waiting for our knight in shining armor to come and save us, or in this case: buy us a drink, make eye-contact, or really just any kind of interaction...

Now you ask, "What about the men?"
Well, what were the boys doing while we played dress-up in kindergarten? YOU GOT IT! Ignoring us. They were playing sports, beating each other up, and picking their noses. Hate to break it to ya ladies, but not much has changed.

Single guys on Valentine's Day continue to lose themselves in, well, anything they can…

Valentine's Day as it would be for:

Gamer  Guy: Will create himself a cyber woman on what ever game he's playing, who of coarse will have gigantic cyber-boobs with a an un-proportional cyber-waste to match.

Sports Enthusiast Guy:  Will find whatever game is on today, drink beer, yell at the TV, and the only thought about "Love" on his mind, is regarding the skimpy uniforms the cheerleaders are wearing.

Hopeless Romantic Guy: Will continue to be in love with the girl who doesn't want him. Follow her around like a puppy dog and such.

Tool at the Bar Guy: Will  be a tool at the bar again tonight, but instead of trying to take you home right off the bat, he will tell you your hair looks nice and THEN proceed. BAHAHAH

Any other guy: Will claim he doesn't want to spend money on flowers and chocolates for anyone but himself.

Perfect Guy: Will continue to not exist.


They will pretend to enjoy spending money on material things in exchange for some action later on…which is, on any other day considered illegal except in Nevada. BAHAHAH

Alight Ladies, Don't hate me for trying to poke fun at this day of Love.

In all truth, I hope you meet your knight in shining armor today and If you've already met yours, I hope you spend a beautiful evening with him!

HAHAH, I just found this, and it goes so beautifully with my post! CRAZY!


Han B.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Eating Those Feelings

Liking someone you can't have.

Thoughts on that:

Eat lots of chocolate. Do lots of Yoga. Don't watch romantic movies. Cuddle with your cats a lot.

Accept it.

Sometimes it's better to just embrace friendship with someone you feel you get along with really well.

~ Proverbs 16:9 ~

Thanks for reading,

Han B.

Music to Listen to: Elusive By Lianne La Havas

Saturday, February 9, 2013

So Ya Went for it?


So maybe you took my advice (or your own) and went and asked that guy you liked out on a date or told him how you felt. How'd it go? Was he all "Hell ya, I'd love to go on a date with you, oh and by the way, I'v liked you for a long time!"? And then you lived happily ever after? CONGRATS, you can now officially start doing his laundry. JUST KIDDING, CONGRATS FOR REAL.

Well, that would be a short post on my end, so this one is for those of you who did it, and found that the response was not exactly what you'd hoped for.

So, here's a couple things that could have happened:

You said: "You should come over for dinner some time"
He said: "Um, yeah, well I'm always busy around dinner time of everyday of my life"

Conclusion: Laugh in his face, and tell him that's too bad, because you only cook naked. JOKE. Doesn't matter in the slightest that he shot you down because there's a cute guy eyeing you from across the bar, with way better taste in women anyway. 

You said: "Hey I think our lips are the same size, lets test it out"
He said: *Nothing, stared at you awkwardly and then walked away

Conclusion: It's great to be straight forward, but your pick-up line stinks like a bag of poop. Get some game. HAHAHAHAH


You said: "Hey, I just wanted you to know, I really like you"
He said: "Thanks"

Conclusion: He's not interested, and he's even less interested in telling you why, HE'S NOT WORTH YOUR TIME.

You said: "Hey, I just wanted you to know, I really like you"
He said: "Wow, I'm really flattered, but I (have herpes, like purple elephants, only date women with uni-brows), Sorry!"

Conclusion: He's polite, but his excuse for not wanting to be with your beautiful self, is less than brilliant. He's not interested, and it's not because you're too fat, ugly, or stupid. He's simply, not interested. There's nothing wrong with you, he's (the individual taking action) just not interested.

You said: "Hey, I really like you and I think you're great"
He said: "Man, that's super gutsy of you to tell me. I really love being around you but I'm at a point in my life right now, where I don't see myself in a relationship"

Conclusion: He's sweet, and although you may not know the exact reason he feel's that way, he put effort into his answer, and didn't completely humiliate you. He's busy with life and other things. It's not the end of the world.


I know, it stinks regardless of what his response actually meant or didn't mean. You'll probably never know the real reason why he wasn't interested or didn't have the time to be with you, but that doesn't mean you aren't worth it. It just means you weren't worth it to him. That's not the kind of guy you need anyway. It sucks that we get caught up in the guy we want, but to him we are value-less (not to be mistaken with priceless, quite the opposite in fact). I don't believe in fairy-tale endings, or true love, or any of that crap, but I'm positive that there is someone who will want/love you the right way. 

So, hop back on that pony and go for another round, because there's a guy looking for a girl just look you somewhere out there, it might just take a couple heartbreaks to figure out which one he is. 

Giddy Up,

Han B.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Can Wait for Content


            Here I am, standing in front of the fridge, door open, barefoot, loose T-shirt and undies (despite the fact that I have a roommate), bed-head like a lions mane, eating all of the ingredients to a really good sandwich individually, out of their original packages. I'm enjoying the light breeze coming from the fridge and thinking about what the hell Bologna actually is. I'm not daring enough to try and read the label on the package. Frankly, I'm scared to. I shut the fridge after a while, only to find Boe and Oscar (my two handsome-boyfriend, cats) staring at me through sleepy, blinking eyes, from the kitchen table. I continue by having a conversation with them.

      They always seem so content and they always look as if they are listening to what I'm saying. All I can think is: "Yeah, these are my people". Which, is technically incorrect, seeing as they are cats and not people. Lots of people don't like cats. I like cats and I'll tell ya why... 

     I have never seen a more content face, than the face my cat makes when he's, well, content. 

        Sometimes, I'm jealous of how content Boe and Oscar are, eating, napping, eating, pooping, and napping some more. How simple everything is for them. They never have to understand anything other than where their food is, where they are allowed to poop, what inanimate objects are the most fun to play with, and what couches are the comfiest for napping. They will never know the stress of driving a car, going to college, being successful, finding someone to make babies with, or making friends. Everything is here, given to them for their eternity of content-ness. 

      Sounds great, except what the hell would be the point of our lives if we were completely content? I had a dream once. I think I met God in it. I couldn't see or hear anything, the only thing the dream contained was the most incredible feeling of content. I woke up, and told my boyfriend that I met God. He laughed and went back to sleep. 

          I thought about it for a while after that. I still do. It was a beautiful feeling. I didn't want anything more, in that moment. I had it all. It's so hard for me to grasp the idea of being completely content. I often think about life after death, and I always come back to that feeling. I can't help but think, that's it? Forever? No struggles? No heartbreak? No death? No life? It's ironic because, I would never feel like I was missing anything, because I would be completely content. That's the point of the feeling, I guess. Having it all. 
     It's really hard to write all my thoughts about this down, but what I'm getting to is this: I can honestly say I am here to appreciate every struggle, every heartbreak, every happy moment, and every sad moment, because although, I know I will be content in my afterlife, the thought of it, makes my very imperfect life here on earth, sound that much more like a gift. 

       Everybody struggles and everybody hurts. It's so important to remember you are not alone here. Remember, that you are here for a reason.

                                             In Loving Memory Of Dane Ruff