Saturday, February 9, 2013

So Ya Went for it?


So maybe you took my advice (or your own) and went and asked that guy you liked out on a date or told him how you felt. How'd it go? Was he all "Hell ya, I'd love to go on a date with you, oh and by the way, I'v liked you for a long time!"? And then you lived happily ever after? CONGRATS, you can now officially start doing his laundry. JUST KIDDING, CONGRATS FOR REAL.

Well, that would be a short post on my end, so this one is for those of you who did it, and found that the response was not exactly what you'd hoped for.

So, here's a couple things that could have happened:

You said: "You should come over for dinner some time"
He said: "Um, yeah, well I'm always busy around dinner time of everyday of my life"

Conclusion: Laugh in his face, and tell him that's too bad, because you only cook naked. JOKE. Doesn't matter in the slightest that he shot you down because there's a cute guy eyeing you from across the bar, with way better taste in women anyway. 

You said: "Hey I think our lips are the same size, lets test it out"
He said: *Nothing, stared at you awkwardly and then walked away

Conclusion: It's great to be straight forward, but your pick-up line stinks like a bag of poop. Get some game. HAHAHAHAH


You said: "Hey, I just wanted you to know, I really like you"
He said: "Thanks"

Conclusion: He's not interested, and he's even less interested in telling you why, HE'S NOT WORTH YOUR TIME.

You said: "Hey, I just wanted you to know, I really like you"
He said: "Wow, I'm really flattered, but I (have herpes, like purple elephants, only date women with uni-brows), Sorry!"

Conclusion: He's polite, but his excuse for not wanting to be with your beautiful self, is less than brilliant. He's not interested, and it's not because you're too fat, ugly, or stupid. He's simply, not interested. There's nothing wrong with you, he's (the individual taking action) just not interested.

You said: "Hey, I really like you and I think you're great"
He said: "Man, that's super gutsy of you to tell me. I really love being around you but I'm at a point in my life right now, where I don't see myself in a relationship"

Conclusion: He's sweet, and although you may not know the exact reason he feel's that way, he put effort into his answer, and didn't completely humiliate you. He's busy with life and other things. It's not the end of the world.


I know, it stinks regardless of what his response actually meant or didn't mean. You'll probably never know the real reason why he wasn't interested or didn't have the time to be with you, but that doesn't mean you aren't worth it. It just means you weren't worth it to him. That's not the kind of guy you need anyway. It sucks that we get caught up in the guy we want, but to him we are value-less (not to be mistaken with priceless, quite the opposite in fact). I don't believe in fairy-tale endings, or true love, or any of that crap, but I'm positive that there is someone who will want/love you the right way. 

So, hop back on that pony and go for another round, because there's a guy looking for a girl just look you somewhere out there, it might just take a couple heartbreaks to figure out which one he is. 

Giddy Up,

Han B.

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