Thursday, October 24, 2013

That insecure girlfriend that no one likes.

Whats been on my mind?

I'm a girl who hangs out with guys. For multiple reasons.

1) They don't talk as much. Ladies, don't get me wrong I love having girl time to, but I am a woman who can appreciate silence, and those moments are galore when you're gaming with a buncha fellas and few when you're gossiping and painting nails with the ladies.
2) I am a born tom-boy. I get a long well with guys and that's the way it is.
3) WE ARE FRIENDS, just as much of friends as you and your best friend Cindy seem to be.

Here's where my passionate blog begins.


I love ya girl. I feel for ya, I really do.  I'v been cheated on. I'v had my heart broken.


I will never be the girl who says things like "you can't hang out with her" or  the girl who drops "subtle" hints like"oh, you're hanging out with her? I have to go now. Bye"

If you are dating someone and he likes to hang out with his friend, who so happens to be a girl...get with the program.

It all boils down to one thing. TRUST

If you don't have trust, you don't have a worth-while relationship at all.

What are the key ingredients to a great relationship?
2) Loyalty
3) Compassion
4) Good sex (joke, but not really)

If you don't trust him, don't be with him. You'll drive yourself crazy thinking about what he could be doing or who he could be doing. What a waste of time (which is limited). Find someone you can say things like " Hope you have fun, babe"  and "say hi veronica for me" to. What's more attractive in a woman than confidence?

Be confident in your man. Be confident in your relationship. But most importantly, be confident in yourself, because if everything else fails, that's what you have left. That and ice cream.

Sometimes, we make bad calls, and we trust people who fail us. And then we have a hard time trusting ourselves in result of that.

If he cheats, here's what we learned (even if it hurts really badly):

1) He wasn't the right guy for you!
2) He didn't care enough about the relationship!
3) He is so into himself, that he's willing to let a treasure, like you, get away for some girl who doesn't know a damn thing about respecting relationships, and ya know what? that just makes them perfect for each other, and they can spend the rest of their short-lived relationship (or night) cheating on each other's shitty asses. and then you can laugh about and then feel bad for them. *breath

Did you notice that all the things we learned, were about him?

That's because none of the things that happened were about you. So don't sit there thinking "what's wrong with me?" and "why wasn't I enough?" ... IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU and EVERYTHING TO WITH WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM!

The one thing you might be able to learn about yourself from this experience?

That you are whole by yourself! He didn't complete you, and therefor, he isn't taking anything from you when he walks his sorry ass out the door.

This is what you need to know, You will find a man who cares about you and respects you enough to stay loyal and faithful to you, and he won't be the piece that completes you (since you are whole by yourself) but more like an upgrade to your already awesome-self. Somebody who enhances all the true beauty you already have. A complimentary color.

I was that annoying girlfriend once. Never again.

So make a pact with yourself.

Only date boys you trust and don't be that jealous, insecure, bitchy girlfriend that no-one likes.

Food for thought,

Han B.

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