Wednesday, June 5, 2013


The Trip

This summer began with a 2,270 mile trip across the country…

As you can imagine it was a long haul. Highlights?

Making Ramen over a fire, sleeping in a so-called "two-person tent" with two people (the trick is they are only made for one small-sized human), stopping in Vegas for two nights, and finally arriving in Los Angles!

Bits of Knowledge

Now that we're here, I have several bits of knowledge to share: 1) In LA, people honk for fun (maybe there is some sort of club that I am un-aware of), 2) If you go to a Gay bar- the straight men WILL find you and also introduce themselves by saying they are straight, HA, 3) There are way to many (bad) comedians, and 4) the talent is split into two different categories, those who are talented and those who think they are talented. I hope I'm in the first one, but I guess so does everyone. HA.

Daily Life

My day looks like this: I wake up, go swimming, or running, or sitting. Take my good ol' time making breakfast, research gigs for a while, then go work on music with other musicians or go perform at an open mic night. I have had luck booking three shows so far. Which, to my knowledge,  is a good thing. HA.


Personal Growth

I learned to approach and talk to people. It was hard. I made friends.

Dating Life

I straight armed two men to avoid herpes.

I also helped a half-naked-drunk man stand up after taking a tumble on the bus, if that counts.

Germ-a-phobe Note-worthy Moments

Trying to help drunk man stand up . It looked something like this:
Man takes a tumble, pants down (no undies, mind you) shirt over head (I don't know how he managed that) after getting on the bus. I get up to help him up, but nobody else does. There are about three grown men watching little ol' me try to pick this man up, when its about as challenging as getting a wobbly toddler to stand on a boat in a storm. It was a struggle.

The note-worthy part was that I was on the bus in the first place, BAHAHAHAHAH. Conquering germ-a-phobia one step at a time.

Music Life

Played my first show at the House of Blues on Sunset Blvd!

Favorite Shot

This concludes my update of Hannah life.

Please check back for more interesting stories later,

Han B.

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