Monday, February 18, 2013

Beat those Blues

Here's what I do when I need me time:
  1. Turn up the music, loud, whatever makes me smile.
  2. Put on my apron.
  3. Open that bottle o' wine.
  4. and cook the shoosh out of a real good meal for myself (with the company of my cats of course).

Sautee it

Drink whilst doing it
Recipe of the day:

Side Notes: Threw my mom a 50th bash, here's some of the nights captures!

This blog has no theme, because in reality I like to talk about lots of things. Some things you might read in this blog include (but are not limited to): Boys, food, music, and traveling.

This summer I will be in California, and you can bet there are gonna be some interesting blogs, a lot more interesting than the ones you'll read while I am in Mount Pee Pee. I plan to travel, play music, and eat a lot, so if you are interested in any of those things: I might have a couple things to share, over the summer!

Can't wait to be there!

Thanks for reading,

Han B.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Helpin Hand!

Hey all!

Just have a couple things to say today…I'm done sassin' about boys for a tad bit of time to ask for your help!

You know what's more awesome than hatin' on the male gender?


Growing up in Frankfort, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and know the Stapleton Family. Mr. Stapleton has been the principal at Frankfort High School for several years now and he sure does a hell of a job at it. His beautiful wife Kelli, does so many things, you can't describe her in less than a paragraph. To say the least, they are both people who you can count on, who would help ANYONE, who would put everybody else before themselves, and even when things are hard for them, always put on a smile.

As we all know, everybody is faced with trials. Mrs. Stapleton does a great job explaining her families difficulties with raising an autistic daughter in her personal blog, which you can read about here: .

In short, 

The Stapleton's have been blessed with thier autistic daughter Issy, who struggles with severe aggression and needs to be in a treatment facility for 8 months. Unfortuntaley, the costs for this facility run $765.00 a day. They have tried everything they can think of to find funding, but haven't had any luck. Mrs. Stapleton has been hospitilzed several times due to Issy's aggression.  
Think about your day today… what did ya spend your money on? Maybe you bought some pretzels at the gas station, or maybe you bought a new pair of shoes to add to your closet-collection? Well, here's something you could fund that will be way more fulfilling than either of those things. What better way to spend your money than to contribute to keeping a loving family together? I couldn't think of a more deserving family.

Here's the link for the fundraising campaign :

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day!

Han B.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day is still like it was in Kindergarten.


It's here again ladies…and to be honest I haven't been single for it, in about five years. No better way to start than with breakfast Bloody Marys and roommate bonding.

Valentine's day for single people seems to be pretty similar when you're old and when you're young.

Women still play dress-up, except  this time instead of pretending to be princesses,we are just pretending to be comfortable while our heels give us blisters, our tights sag in the crotch, our push-up bras hold our boobs way too high, and our lacy undies have disappeared completely. We still have tea-partys, except this time our cups are filled with shots of "forget I'm single" and "He looks better now" instead of the never-ending supply of air we used to pour so generously to one another. Finally, we are definitely still waiting for our knight in shining armor to come and save us, or in this case: buy us a drink, make eye-contact, or really just any kind of interaction...

Now you ask, "What about the men?"
Well, what were the boys doing while we played dress-up in kindergarten? YOU GOT IT! Ignoring us. They were playing sports, beating each other up, and picking their noses. Hate to break it to ya ladies, but not much has changed.

Single guys on Valentine's Day continue to lose themselves in, well, anything they can…

Valentine's Day as it would be for:

Gamer  Guy: Will create himself a cyber woman on what ever game he's playing, who of coarse will have gigantic cyber-boobs with a an un-proportional cyber-waste to match.

Sports Enthusiast Guy:  Will find whatever game is on today, drink beer, yell at the TV, and the only thought about "Love" on his mind, is regarding the skimpy uniforms the cheerleaders are wearing.

Hopeless Romantic Guy: Will continue to be in love with the girl who doesn't want him. Follow her around like a puppy dog and such.

Tool at the Bar Guy: Will  be a tool at the bar again tonight, but instead of trying to take you home right off the bat, he will tell you your hair looks nice and THEN proceed. BAHAHAH

Any other guy: Will claim he doesn't want to spend money on flowers and chocolates for anyone but himself.

Perfect Guy: Will continue to not exist.


They will pretend to enjoy spending money on material things in exchange for some action later on…which is, on any other day considered illegal except in Nevada. BAHAHAH

Alight Ladies, Don't hate me for trying to poke fun at this day of Love.

In all truth, I hope you meet your knight in shining armor today and If you've already met yours, I hope you spend a beautiful evening with him!

HAHAH, I just found this, and it goes so beautifully with my post! CRAZY!


Han B.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Eating Those Feelings

Liking someone you can't have.

Thoughts on that:

Eat lots of chocolate. Do lots of Yoga. Don't watch romantic movies. Cuddle with your cats a lot.

Accept it.

Sometimes it's better to just embrace friendship with someone you feel you get along with really well.

~ Proverbs 16:9 ~

Thanks for reading,

Han B.

Music to Listen to: Elusive By Lianne La Havas

Saturday, February 9, 2013

So Ya Went for it?


So maybe you took my advice (or your own) and went and asked that guy you liked out on a date or told him how you felt. How'd it go? Was he all "Hell ya, I'd love to go on a date with you, oh and by the way, I'v liked you for a long time!"? And then you lived happily ever after? CONGRATS, you can now officially start doing his laundry. JUST KIDDING, CONGRATS FOR REAL.

Well, that would be a short post on my end, so this one is for those of you who did it, and found that the response was not exactly what you'd hoped for.

So, here's a couple things that could have happened:

You said: "You should come over for dinner some time"
He said: "Um, yeah, well I'm always busy around dinner time of everyday of my life"

Conclusion: Laugh in his face, and tell him that's too bad, because you only cook naked. JOKE. Doesn't matter in the slightest that he shot you down because there's a cute guy eyeing you from across the bar, with way better taste in women anyway. 

You said: "Hey I think our lips are the same size, lets test it out"
He said: *Nothing, stared at you awkwardly and then walked away

Conclusion: It's great to be straight forward, but your pick-up line stinks like a bag of poop. Get some game. HAHAHAHAH


You said: "Hey, I just wanted you to know, I really like you"
He said: "Thanks"

Conclusion: He's not interested, and he's even less interested in telling you why, HE'S NOT WORTH YOUR TIME.

You said: "Hey, I just wanted you to know, I really like you"
He said: "Wow, I'm really flattered, but I (have herpes, like purple elephants, only date women with uni-brows), Sorry!"

Conclusion: He's polite, but his excuse for not wanting to be with your beautiful self, is less than brilliant. He's not interested, and it's not because you're too fat, ugly, or stupid. He's simply, not interested. There's nothing wrong with you, he's (the individual taking action) just not interested.

You said: "Hey, I really like you and I think you're great"
He said: "Man, that's super gutsy of you to tell me. I really love being around you but I'm at a point in my life right now, where I don't see myself in a relationship"

Conclusion: He's sweet, and although you may not know the exact reason he feel's that way, he put effort into his answer, and didn't completely humiliate you. He's busy with life and other things. It's not the end of the world.


I know, it stinks regardless of what his response actually meant or didn't mean. You'll probably never know the real reason why he wasn't interested or didn't have the time to be with you, but that doesn't mean you aren't worth it. It just means you weren't worth it to him. That's not the kind of guy you need anyway. It sucks that we get caught up in the guy we want, but to him we are value-less (not to be mistaken with priceless, quite the opposite in fact). I don't believe in fairy-tale endings, or true love, or any of that crap, but I'm positive that there is someone who will want/love you the right way. 

So, hop back on that pony and go for another round, because there's a guy looking for a girl just look you somewhere out there, it might just take a couple heartbreaks to figure out which one he is. 

Giddy Up,

Han B.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Can Wait for Content


            Here I am, standing in front of the fridge, door open, barefoot, loose T-shirt and undies (despite the fact that I have a roommate), bed-head like a lions mane, eating all of the ingredients to a really good sandwich individually, out of their original packages. I'm enjoying the light breeze coming from the fridge and thinking about what the hell Bologna actually is. I'm not daring enough to try and read the label on the package. Frankly, I'm scared to. I shut the fridge after a while, only to find Boe and Oscar (my two handsome-boyfriend, cats) staring at me through sleepy, blinking eyes, from the kitchen table. I continue by having a conversation with them.

      They always seem so content and they always look as if they are listening to what I'm saying. All I can think is: "Yeah, these are my people". Which, is technically incorrect, seeing as they are cats and not people. Lots of people don't like cats. I like cats and I'll tell ya why... 

     I have never seen a more content face, than the face my cat makes when he's, well, content. 

        Sometimes, I'm jealous of how content Boe and Oscar are, eating, napping, eating, pooping, and napping some more. How simple everything is for them. They never have to understand anything other than where their food is, where they are allowed to poop, what inanimate objects are the most fun to play with, and what couches are the comfiest for napping. They will never know the stress of driving a car, going to college, being successful, finding someone to make babies with, or making friends. Everything is here, given to them for their eternity of content-ness. 

      Sounds great, except what the hell would be the point of our lives if we were completely content? I had a dream once. I think I met God in it. I couldn't see or hear anything, the only thing the dream contained was the most incredible feeling of content. I woke up, and told my boyfriend that I met God. He laughed and went back to sleep. 

          I thought about it for a while after that. I still do. It was a beautiful feeling. I didn't want anything more, in that moment. I had it all. It's so hard for me to grasp the idea of being completely content. I often think about life after death, and I always come back to that feeling. I can't help but think, that's it? Forever? No struggles? No heartbreak? No death? No life? It's ironic because, I would never feel like I was missing anything, because I would be completely content. That's the point of the feeling, I guess. Having it all. 
     It's really hard to write all my thoughts about this down, but what I'm getting to is this: I can honestly say I am here to appreciate every struggle, every heartbreak, every happy moment, and every sad moment, because although, I know I will be content in my afterlife, the thought of it, makes my very imperfect life here on earth, sound that much more like a gift. 

       Everybody struggles and everybody hurts. It's so important to remember you are not alone here. Remember, that you are here for a reason.

                                             In Loving Memory Of Dane Ruff

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Power to Pounce

        Well, last time I talked about how confusing men are, and how I wish it was like in kindergarten, when boys just kicked you if they liked you. I'd like to clarify, I am in no way encouraging domestic violence. It would seem that most of you would understand that.

       With that being said, I want to know why our society gives men the power to pick their women as if we were criminals in a line-up. Why is it that all through school we are taught to wait for the guy to make a move? He has to ask you on a date, he has to ask you to the dance, he has to pay for your food (this part I don't mind, haha.) Don't get me wrong, I love it when a guy makes the first move, it's sexy and a huge turn-on, but to hell with waiting for it! 

    I'm not saying women don't get to choose their men, we do, but we honestly don't get to PICK our men. It can be more accurately described as a process of elimination by denial. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that our society objectifies women. Men and women alike do this. It's interesting the concept behind it all. Men treat us like sex-objects because we let them. Have you ever asked yourself "Why am I putting this make-up on?" or "Why am I buying this tiny skirt?"

      On one hand, I think it could be that women are smart enough to know how to get what they want, therefor using men's weakness to sex, to their own advantage. On the other hand, why are we not smart enough to use our brains before or boobs in the first place? 

    Also, don't get me wrong on this end of things, I know I will only be twenty, once, and I like the way I look in those tight jeans, haha, but is that the reason I'm putting them on? I have to acknowledge the limits of my own thinking at this point. I'm not exactly sure why I put on my tight jeans. Is it because they make my butt look nice and in affect make me feel good about all the hard work I put into Yoga this week? Or is it because I know the boy who sits next to me in my CHEM 101 class, will also appreciate all the hard work I put into Yoga this week? 

      Even if you can't decide the real reason, why not make a conscious effort to make sure you're doing it for YOU and not anyone else. Clearly, I have gotten into sub-topics of the real topic at this point. My real point here, is to convince you to stop objectifying yourself and become a woman with intention. 

      Living for others is great, in different context. Put your pants on for YOU today, and go ask that guy you like over for dinner (and make him cook it too, JOKE, cook it together.)

If he denies you, laugh about it. There are plenty of guys out there. 

Han B.



Monday, February 4, 2013

Kick me and then Kiss me

I thought it would be nice to make a blog about how I ( and many other feminist, lovesick, stubborn, women) feel about certain things.

First on the list: Boys

      I'm sick of seeing all this perfect romance crap on movies. It NEVER happens like that. The Notebook? Please, every girl I know would be more concerned with the volume of their hair and their makeup running, rather than kissing Mr. Sexy Face in the rain.
        In real life it goes something like this. You meet a guy, he smiles at you a lot ( or does he? Maybe he is just a really smiley guy?) You start talking to him and he seems really interested in what you have to say (or is he? Maybe he is just a really friendly guy?) He's staring at your lips while you talk because he wants to kiss you ( or maybe you still have cream cheese from that bagel you ate earlier on your lips?) *OVER REACT and obsessively wipe your mouth.  *Lick your lips *Wipe some more. Oh shit, now he thinks you want to eat his face or something. He makes eye contact with you from now on because he wants to stare into your pretty blue eyes (or maybe he feels awkward looking at your lips anymore because you've wiped them raw and they are bright red now?) *Conversations over. He says it was really nice meeting you (was it really nice meeting ME? or is he just polite?) *You sit down for the rest of your life and try and figure out if he likes you or hates you, because it's not possible you could just be friends. HA!

       The only time, I ever knew that a boy liked me was in kindergarden and that was because common-speak for "I like you" was *kick *punch or *poke. It didn't feel very good then, but I bet a lot of women would prefer a kick in the shin now, to an endless emotional roller-coaster of assumptions we are forced to make about the lack of information boys tend to give towards women who they may or may not be interested in.

    In conclusion, "Kick me and then kiss me", is my preferred method of finding out if a boy likes me or not.

   Thoughts for next time's blog: Why are boys given the power to make girls wait, or make the first move?

Thanks for reading,

Han B.